A downloadable mod

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Conversion from 19 and updated to be more realistic. 

There's two (2) download options. 

One is the basic bagger that will work on any map. Converts grass and chaff to silage, and maize to mineral feed (like high moisture corn, needs separate bag from silage obviously) 

The second one has Westby in the name and... you guessed it, its setup to work specifically with the Westby, WI 4x map available on MB Farm's itch.io page. This one converts chaff to silage, grass to grass silage, raw cornmeal to fermented cornmeal, and finally wet corn to fermented cornmeal (at a reduced conversion rate). 

Both baggers function easily, back the bagger up to the bag pallet and attach it to start filling, make sure the logo on the box is facing the bagger. Not recommended to travel long distance with pallet on back, will cause some sliding. Once bag starts filling its almost impossible to move, except with Super Strength mods. Due to game limitations bag fills toward the back, opposite how a real bagger works.  disconnect the bagger unit when done, you can now unload your silage. Drive up to open face with loader/skid steer/ whatever and your bucket will fill. Bucket must be "in" the face of the bagger to unload.

KNOWN BUG: some times it takes a second for the bucket to start filling when unloading the bag. BE PATIENT! It works. Fixed as of V2!

V2 Update 9/2

Thanks to Dr. Drulia for sorting out the unloading issue, fixing a few loose ends, and making the pallets function as they should. Should not effect bags already filled in saved games. 

Update 9/19:

Added compatibility for Maize Plus, no changes to the 2 V2 mods.

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
AuthorJMF Modding


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

V2:FS22_SilageBagger_Westby.zip 4.2 MB
V2:FS22_SilageBagger.zip 4.2 MB
FS22_SilageBagger_MaizePlus.zip 4.2 MB


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love the mod but you cant fill up all the way cause it causes tractor raise up in the back 

Rear weight?

(1 edit)

Hey, absolutely love the mod but I have found a mod conflict with manual attach and the Maize + version. When you load up a savegame it won't let you unload the bag until you re-attach and detach the bagger machine. If you disable the manual attach mod you can load up a save and unload the bag without first having to re-attach.

This ag bagger system on a MP server should be updated. it causes problems when you try and attach it.

Great mod; I do have the placable version of the ag bags; having a temporary one is better  until you know where you want to put the placable version if even... 

The pallets do have a serious collision issue, its too big on one side and missing on the other side (seems like it needs to be moved to surround the pallet itself?)

Ty for the mod; I believe I have some of your other mods too :). 

working on it bud! There will be an update soon

hey :) thanks for the fast fix! Quick question, curious if you'd be interested in adding to this mod with a grain bag unloader that uses an auger; its not quite the same as what you have now but would be neat rather than having to use a loader to unload the ag bag and perhaps even make it reusable??? (of course to balance price the bag pallet would need to increase if there were a reusable version as well as an expendable version. 

I provided a video example and I'm sure there are lots of different types out there, just thought it would be of interest to you :) 

Fantastic mod JMF,

My only suggestion would be for the bag to actually ferment the product overtime, similar to how the traditional bunker silos work instead of instantly converting.


Apologies to mention another mod but...

This comment got me thinking, and after some trial and error I found out you can actually use the Extractora Akron from another FS22 mod to unload the JMF Ag-Bag using this method. The trick is to attach the Extractora Akron to the tractor,  then slowly back into the bag until you get the usual attach prompt.

Don't attach to the bag, even though you can. Ensure the pipe is out on the Extractora Akron, then pull a trailer up to the Extractora Akron and it will unload from the bag into the trailer, 100% if the trailer has enough capacity.

I have not linked the mod out of respect.

wasn't sure if that would work; I did mention this mod, but glad to see someone dared to try it heh 

So you say DON'T attach and it will unload? Intersting 


Correct, don't attach, pipe out, and it will unload into the trailer.


% min of my time. Where can I send you the no-error version? 

Wow I thought I fixed those, thanks man I appreciate it. Discord? JMFmodding#7804 or on Facebook, on my JMF Modding page.

what all can you put in this?

Hello sir. Attached is a link to a video I did of the Ag-Bag Silage Bagger.  I did find that I was unable to pick the pallet bag up with a skid steer or front loader. However, I enjoy the work you do and will continue to support modders like yourself. Thank you for all you do. Keep up the great work.

Thanks man, I hope you don't mind that I added it to the post.

No man, not at all. Glad you enjoyed the video.


thats going be nice


Thank younfor the mod


This is gonna change the whole game for me! Thanks!